Christian Evangelism, Education, and Discipleship

“They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” 1 Tim 6:18 ESV

CEED Funds brings together trusted, indigenous ministries doing good work around the world

with wise donors wanting to make the most impact.

peopleOur partners all have this in common: they are committed to integrity with how they carry out their work, they are careful with the resources they are given, and they are transparent and accountable to our board. Those we support provide regular updates of their work. In addition, our board members make every effort to regularly visit our missionaries in their country of service.
moneyWe understand that you work hard for your money and want to give where you’ll have maximum impact. Our Board facilitates giving to ministries and organizations, covering all administrative costs ourselves so that your donation goes directly to the front lines.
worldWe care for people of all nations, tribes, and languages, and are motivated by the gospel of Jesus Christ to do what we do. Good people doing good work, investing in eternity. CEED Funds directs your dollars to people and ministries who offer assistance to those in need while holding out the Gospel as our eternal hope.

Doing good. Investing in eternity.